Friday, May 8, 2009

And finally...

Having blogged for the past few weeks, I think I have a far better understanding about how blogging can be of benefit in PR. I was amazed at the number and diverse opinions in blogs which cover so many different subjects.

There is an infinite amount of space and an infinite amount of information on the Internet and it is difficult to comprehend how to best use it. In the future different PR campaigns, though, will have to use different PR 2.0 tools and target audiences with key messages in many different ways.

Everything is also changing so quickly with new products and ideas thrown up almost every day. This means that PRs will need to be ready to match these changes and adapt to new ways of working. Some things, though, never change. This week's data found on hard drives is depressingly familiar to the old newspaper stories about personal information being dumped in landfills or discovered on waste ground. There is now so much information so easily available that it seems it will ever harder to keep it secure.

I am frequently amazed at the personal information, including pictures, phones numbers, details about friends, etc that people willing give over on social networking sites. No one can control the amount of data out there and that is what, in many ways, defines the Internet.

Even this very limited experience of blogging has shown me the way blogging makes people confront such issues. This may be my last post here but I don't think it will be long before I reappear blogging somewhere else.


  1. Are you stopping writing blogs? Why don't you continue it?

  2. i agree...i mean you now know how its done...keep it up!!

  3. I agree with you that blogging can be very beneficial to a public relations practitioner. I would say blogging is not just a source of information but an important link to a very important audience for public relations. Blogging has changed the way we communicate to the mass media. It has given us a new tool to join and engage a new community of common interests. Social media challenges public relations practitioners to meet with the new challenges of communication. With all its downsides about security lapses, identity theft or cyber crime, it is still a powerful force to reckon with.

